JavaScript 基础知识:第 3 部分
原创之前在 javascript essentials:第 2 部分中,我们讨论了很多有关字符串属性和方法,以及拆分为数组时索引字符串的内容。在这一部分,我们将看看:
- 对象
- 数组
const profile = { name: "john doe", "date of birth": "2000-12-25", profession: "software engineer", "number of pets": 2, "weight of protein in grams": 12.5, "has a job": true, }; console.log(profile);
我们可以使用点运算符访问对象的属性。我们可以将 设置为 name 的值。我们还可以为任何属性或新属性分配或重新分配值。还有另一种方法可以访问属性的值。在索引中,我们传递一个数字,但在这种方法中,我们传递属性名称。个人资料[“属性”]。因此 和 profile["name"] 将具有相同的结果。当属性名称中有空格时,我们使用后者。我可能没有提到这一点,但是,最好避免带有空格的属性名称。 (你还记得camelcasing、snake_casing、pascalcasing、constant_casing等)。
console.log(`name on profile: ${}`); console.log(`profession: ${profile.profession}`); console.log(`number of pets: ${profile["number of pets"]}`); console.log(`protein weight (g): ${profile["weight of protein in grams"]}g`); console.log(`is employed: ${profile["has a job"]}`);
我们还可以更改对象中的数据。 = "michael angelo"; profile.isbald = false; console.log(profile);
console.log(object.entries(profile)); //it has created an array of the key and value // [ // [ 'name', 'john doe' ], // [ 'date of birth', '2000-12-25' ], // [ 'profession', 'software engineer' ], // [ 'number of pets', 2 ], // [ 'weight of protein in grams', 12.5 ], // [ 'has a job', true ] // ] console.log(object.keys(profile)); //it returns the keys of the object as an array // [ // 'name', // 'date of birth', // 'profession', // 'number of pets', // 'weight of protein in grams', // 'has a job' // ] console.log(object.values(profile)); //it returns the values of the object as an array // ["john doe", "2000-12-25", "software engineer", 2, 12.5, true];
数组是一个列表或项目的集合。由于这是 javascript,我们可以列出任何内容,也可以不列出任何内容。我们可以有一个数字、字符串、布尔值等的数组
在 javascript 中,我们可以使用方括号来创建数组。我们讨论的所有关于变量和值的内容都适用于数组。字符串中的一些知识可能适用(借用的知识)。
// an empty array const anemptyarray = []; // array of numbers const arrayofnumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // array of strings const stringarray = ["math", "meth", "mith", "moth", "muth"]; const listofblacklistedusers = [ "adamdoe", "peterpen", "maxbuffer", "cheesecake", "paxtingaa", ]; // array of booleans const booleanarray = [true, false, false, true, true]; // const array of objects const profilearray = [ { id: 1, username: "adamdoe", pet: "math", isbald: true }, { id: 2, username: "peterpen", pet: "meth", isbald: false }, { id: 3, username: "maxbuffer", pet: "mith", isbald: false }, { id: 4, username: "cheesecake", pet: "moth", isbald: true }, { id: 5, username: "paxtingaa", pet: "muth", isbald: true }, ]; // array of arrays const threebythreesudoku = [ [4, 9, 2], [3, 5, 7], [8, 1, 6], ];
const evennumbers = [2, 4, 6]; const firstevennumber = evennumbers[0]; const secondevennumber = evennumbers[1]; const thirdevennumber = evennumbers[2]; const sumofevennumbers = firstevennumber + secondevennumber + thirdevennumber; const productofevennumbers = firstevennumber * secondevennumber * thirdevennumber; console.log( `the sum and product of the even numbers, ${evennumbers} are, ${sumofevennumbers} and ${productofevennumbers} respectively` ); // the sum and product of the even numbers, 2,4,6 are, 12 and 48 respectively
数组和字符串一样,也有可以使用点运算符、arrayvariable.propertyname 和 arrayvariable.methodname(someargs) 访问的属性和方法;
- length (p): arrayvariable.length 返回数组的长度(元素数量)。
const stringarray = ["math", "meth", "mith", "moth", "muth"]; // get the length of an array console.log( `there are ${stringarray.length} elements in the array, ${stringarray}` );
- push(m):接收一个值并将其添加到原始数组中。要知道这会改变数组。
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log(numbers); console.log(numbers.length); // add an element at the end of the array numbers.push(-1); console.log(numbers); console.log(numbers.length);
- pop(m):从数组中删除最后一个元素并返回它。因此,您可以抢救最后一个元素并将其用于某些计算。
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log(numbers); console.log(numbers.length); // returns the last element from the array const poppednumber = numbers.pop(); console.log(`${poppednumber} was popped from the array`); console.log(numbers); console.log(numbers.length);
map (m):返回一个与原始数组大小相同的新数组,并根据数组元素进行一些计算。 map方法的签名为 (callbackfn: (value: elementtype, index: number, array: elementtype[]) => callbackfnreturntype, thisarg?: any):callbackfnreturntype[].
- callbackfn:代表回调函数,一个作为参数传递的函数(作为某个东西的值,这里是map方法)
- callbackfn 接受值、索引和数组作为参数。回调函数的值(第一个参数和必需参数)引用数组中的一个元素。索引指的是该元素的索引。数组参数(可以是任何名称)引用原始数组的副本。
- 回调函数应用于数组的每个元素
- 对于我们的用例,我们需要值,有时还需要索引。
const stringarray = ["math", "meth", "mith", "moth", "muth"]; const uppercasestringarray =, index, thearray) => { return value.touppercase(); }); console.log(uppercasestringarray); // [ 'math', 'meth', 'mith', 'moth', 'muth' ]
本例中未使用索引和 thearray 值。我会修改map方法的使用。
const stringarray = ["math", "meth", "mith", "moth", "muth"]; const uppercasestringarray = => value.touppercase()); console.log(uppercasestringarray);
请记住,=> 返回用于形成数组的新值。
- filter (m):filter 方法的功能类似于 map 方法,但是它返回满足条件的元素数组(一些真值声明 - 返回布尔值)。
const elementinnature = ["water", "earth", "wind", "fire"]; // filter elements that include 'a' const elementsthatincludea = elementinnature.filter((value) => value.includes("a") ); console.log(elementsthatincludea); // filter elements that end with 'er' const elementsthatendswither = elementinnature.filter((value) => value.endswith("er") ); console.log(elementsthatendswither);
- reduce(m):像filter和map一样,对每个元素应用一个函数。但是,它返回一个值而不是数组。它将数组“减少”为单个值。 reduce方法的签名与map和reduce方法的签名几乎相同。但是,reduce 接受另一个必需参数,即先前的值。 reduce(callbackfn:(previousvalue:reducetotype,currentvalue:elementtype,currentindex:number,array:elementtype[])=>reducetotype,initialvalue:reducetotype):reducetotype;。此时最好使用示例。
const numberarray = [4, 6, 5, 9, 2, 8]; const sumofnumbers = numberarray.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0); console.log(numberarray); console.log(sumofnumbers);
const result = somearray.reduce((initial value, current value)=> some action involving the previous value and current value, set the initial value to be something here)
const result = somearray.reduce((expected result, current value)=> some action involving the previous value, which is the expected value, and current value, set a default value for the expected result here)
include (m):返回一个布尔值,指示数组中是否存在某个元素。它与字符串.
join (m):将数组中的元素用分隔符组合成一个字符串。 join 方法采用分隔符参数。这是一个字符串。
const numberarray = [4, 6, 5, 9, 2, 8]; console.log(numberarray.join("")); // 465928 console.log(numberarray.join("_")); // 4_6_5_9_2_8 console.log(numberarray.join("000")); // 400060005000900020008
- find(m):与map、filter的参数格式相同。它返回满足条件的第一个元素,否则返回未定义。有一个很好的地方可以使用find代替filter。稍后会详细介绍。
const profilearray = [ { id: 1, username: "adamdoe", pet: "math", isbald: true }, { id: 2, username: "peterpen", pet: "meth", isbald: false }, { id: 3, username: "maxbuffer", pet: "mith", isbald: false }, { id: 4, username: "cheesecake", pet: "moth", isbald: true }, { id: 5, username: "paxtingaa", pet: "muth", isbald: true }, ];
const userswitha = profilearray.filter((user) => user.username.tolowercase().includes("a") );
const usernameswitha = => user.username); console.log(usernameswitha);
const usernameswitha = profilearray .filter((user) => user.username.tolowercase().includes("a")) .map((user) => user.username); console.log(usernameswitha); // [ 'adamdoe', 'maxbuffer', 'cheesecake', 'paxtingaa' ]
const usernameswitha = profilearray .map((user) => user.username) .filter((username) => username.tolowercase().includes("a")); console.log(usernameswitha); // [ 'adamdoe', 'maxbuffer', 'cheesecake', 'paxtingaa' ] //we listed the username, then filtered out usernames that included 'a'
const exclusiveusers = profilearray .filter((user) => user.isbald) .filter((user) => user.salary > 200000) .map((user) => user.username); console.log(exclusiveusers); // [ 'adamdoe', 'paxtingaa' ]
const exclusiveusers = profilearray .filter((user) => user.isbald && user.salary > 200000) .map((user) => user.username); console.log(exclusiveusers[0]); // adamdoe
&& 表示“and”,并且 > 大于号。他们都是运营商。我们将更多地讨论它们,并简单或相当现实地重做一些示例。
我们想使用查找而不是过滤。我们提到 find 返回元素。它不会像 map 或 filter 方法那样返回数组。要知道结果可能是未定义的,这意味着在数组中找不到与真值语句(谓词或条件)匹配的值。我们指的条件是 user.isbald && user.salary > 200000,用户是秃头(isbald 将为 true)并且用户的工资超过 200000,(工资值大于 200000)。
const exclusiveuser = profilearray.find( (user) => user.isbald && user.salary > 200000 ); console.log(exclusiveuser); // { // id: 1, // username: 'adamdoe', // pet: 'math', // isbald: true, // salary: 250000 // } // since we are interested in the username, we can do console.log(exclusiveuser.username); // adamdoe
我们有一个复杂的主体或回调函数,我们可以使用 return 代替 => (粗箭头运算符)。但是我们必须注意并添加左大括号和右大括号 { 和 }。
const exclusiveusers = => { user.username = user.username.touppercase(); user.isexclusive = user.isbald && user.salary > 200000; return user; }); console.log(exclusiveusers); // [ // { // id: 1, // username: 'adamdoe', // pet: 'math', // isbald: true, // salary: 250000, // isexclusive: true // }, // { // id: 2, // username: 'peterpen', // pet: 'meth', // isbald: false, // salary: 658000, // isexclusive: false // }, // { // id: 3, // username: 'maxbuffer', // pet: 'mith', // isbald: false, // salary: 850000, // isexclusive: false // }, // { // id: 4, // username: 'cheesecake', // pet: 'moth', // isbald: true, // salary: 90000, // isexclusive: false // }, // { // id: 5, // username: 'paxtingaa', // pet: 'muth', // isbald: true, // salary: 366000, // isexclusive: true // } // ]
const numberofusers = profilearray.length; const totalsalaries = profilearray.reduce( (total, currentuser) => total + currentuser.salary, 0 ); const averagesalary = totalsalaries / numberofusers; console.log( `the average salary of ${numberofusers} users with a combined total of ${totalsalaries} is ${averagesalary}` ); // the average salary of 5 users with a combined total of 2214000 is 442800 // now let's filter the above average salary users const aboveaveragesalaryusers = profilearray.filter( (user) => user.salary > averagesalary ); console.log( `${aboveaveragesalaryusers.length} users who earn above the average salary of ${averagesalary}` ); // 2 users who earn above the average salary of 442800 // we will get their user names const combinedusernames = aboveaveragesalaryusers .map((user) => user.username) .join(" and "); console.log(`these users are ${combinedusernames}`); // these users are peterpen and maxbuffer
我们将在接下来的函数部分了解更多关于函数以及函数参数和实参的知识。 我们还将讨论 return 关键字和注释。
- 至少十六个字符
- 全部小写
- 其中没有“电子邮件”
- 不包含下划线
- 有一个“@”
- 有一个“.”
- 以“.com”结尾
- 有'@'之前的字符为字符,大写v,'v'
<p>// email_validation.js<br> const sampleEmail = "";<br> // Email must:<br> // - be at least sixteen characters<br> const emailLength = sampleEmail.length;<br> console.log(<br> - Email must be at least sixteen characters => "<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">sampleEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">" has '</span><span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">emailLength</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">' characters<br> );</span></p> <p>// - be in all lowercase<br> // There could be split opinions, either force the users to enter their<br> // emails in lowercase or cast it to lowercase. The latter seems better<br> const lowercasedEmail = sampleEmail.toLowerCase();<br> // or can use the sampleEmail.toLowerCase() from here onwards</p> <p>// - not have 'email' in it<br> const hasEmail = lowercasedEmail.includes("email");<br> // If hasEmail is true then this email is invalid<br> console.log(<br> - Email must not have 'email' in it => It is '<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">hasEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">' that "</span><span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">lowercasedEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">" has 'email' in it<br> );</span></p> <p>// - not include an underscore<br> const hasUnderscore = lowercasedEmail.includes("_");<br> console.log(<br> - Email must not include an underscore => It is '<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">hasUnderscore</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">' that "</span><span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">lowercasedEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">" includes an underscore<br> );</span></p> <p>// - have one '@'<br> const hasAtSymbol = lowercasedEmail.includes("@");<br> console.log(<br> - Email must have one '@' => It is '<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">hasAtSymbol</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">' that "</span><span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">lowercasedEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">" has one '@;<br> );</span></p> <p>// get the index of the first at<br> const indexOfFirstAtSymbol = lowercasedEmail.indexOf("@");<br> console.log(The index of the first '@' is at: <span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">indexOfFirstAtSymbol</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">);<br> // the output from above will let us know if there is even an '@'<br> // the index must not be -1</span></p> <p>// lowercasedEmail.includes("@") and lowercasedEmail.indexOf("@")<br> // shows that there is an '@' but not how many</p> <p>// if there is more than one '@' then when we split the email,<br> // there will be more than two elements<br> // when you split in the middle (one part), you get 2 parts<br> // when you split at 2 parts, you get 3 parts<br> const arrayLengthAfterSplitting = lowercasedEmail.split("@").length;<br> console.log(<br> The number of elements after the email is split at the '@' is: <span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">arrayLengthAfterSplitting</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2"><br> );</span></p> <p>// there is the lastIndexOf string method, which returns the last occurrence<br> // of a substring in a string</p> <p>// - have one '.'<br> const arrayLengthAfterSplittingAtDot = lowercasedEmail.split(".").length;<br> console.log(<br> The number of elements after the email is split at the '.' is: <span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">arrayLengthAfterSplittingAtDot</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2"><br> );</span></p> <p>// - end with '.com'<br> const emailEndsWithDotCom = lowercasedEmail.endsWith(".com");<br> console.log(<br> - Email ends with '.com' => It is '<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">emailEndsWithDotCom</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">' that "</span><span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">lowercasedEmail</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">" ends with '.com'<br> );</span></p> <p>// - have the character before the '@' to be the character, uppercase v, 'V'<br> // the character before the '@' is at index, '@' index - 1<br> const characterBeforeAt = lowercasedEmail.charAt(indexOfFirstAtSymbol - 1);<br> console.log(<br> - Email must have the character before the '@' to be the character, uppercase v, 'V' => The character before the '@' is '<span class="p">${</span><span class="nx">characterBeforeAt</span><span class="p">}</span><span class="s2">'<br> );</span></p>
我们还有更多关于 javascript 的内容可以讨论,例如:
- 传播和解构
- 运营商
- 控制结构(if 语句、循环)
- 功能
- 回调、承诺、异步和等待
- 下一件大事
以上就是JavaScript 基础知识:第 3 部分的详细内容,更多请关注IT视界其它相关文章!