循环:For 循环、While 循环、ForOf 循环、ForIn 循环
- for 循环
- while 循环
- for...of 循环
- for...循环
to 可以写一个简单的 for 循环如下:
for (let i = 1; i <p>要循环数组,我们可以执行以下操作:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const animals = ['lizard', 'fish', 'turtle']; for (let i = 0; i <p>我们还可以反向循环这个数组:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">for (let i = animals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log(i, animals[i]); } // 2 'turtle' // 1 'fish' // 0 'lizard'
for (let i = 0; i <p>如果我们想要迭代数组的数组,这很有用:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">const seatingchart = [ ['abigale', 'tim', 'cynthia'], ['bob', 'carter', 'zane', 'tanja'], ['quin', 'xavier'], ]; // to print each name individually from seatingchart: for (let i = 0; i <h2> while 循环 </h2> <p>简单 while 循环的一个例子是:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">let num = 0; // to print out 0 through 4: while (num <h2> 中断关键字 </h2> <p>break关键字可用于退出while循环:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">let input = prompt('say something:'); while (true) { input = prompt(input); if (input === 'stop copying me') { break; // finally stops prompting user } }
它也可以用于退出 for 循环。假设我们有一行:
let line = ['abby', 'salvia', 'jamie', 'carter', 'john'];
我们想要输出 jamie 之前的每个人,但不输出 jamie:
for (let i = 0; i <h2> for...of 循环 </h2> <p>如果我们想打印数组中的每个值,我们可以这样做:<br></p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">let people = ['agitha', 'bruce', 'charlie', 'dane', 'ernie']; // to print each persons name: for (let person of people) { console.log(person); }
const seatingchart = [ ['abigale', 'tim', 'cynthia'], ['bob', 'carter', 'zane', 'tanja'], ['quin', 'xavier'], ]; // to print each name individually from seatingchart: for (let row of seatingchart) { for (let person of row) { console.log(person); } }
for...in 循环
const testscores = { jim: 34, abby: 93, greg: 84, mark: 95, melvin: 73, }; for (let person in testscores) { console.log(`${person} scored ${testscores[person]}`); }
如果我们想使用 for...of 得到 testscores 的平均值,我们可以这样做:
let total = 0; let scores = Object.values(testScores); for (let score of scores) { total += score; } let avg = total / scores.length; console.log(avg);
以上就是循环:For 循环、While 循环、ForOf 循环、ForIn 循环的详细内容,更多请关注IT视界其它相关文章!